Monday, June 28, 2010

Art of management !!

This has indeed been the topic of discussion for the later half of the last century and undoubtedly is going to be a topic of concern for all analysts, strategists and critics for the rest of this century. After so much research and debate, no one is still able to clearly define if "Management" is a profession or an art. It would not be wrong to say that it cannot sustain alone with out treating it as a profession nor can it entirely rely on professionalism. The art of managing without understanding the risks (which you learn from experience and case studies) is like shooting arrows with your eyes blindfolded. What exactly is management and how can an individuals perception of it change how the firm, team or company operate. As far as I think I can only define management as a certification which entitles you to handle the technical aspects of a management issue and it is your experience and common sense that you use along with your tactical skills to trouble shoot a problem. Art and Professionalism are two sides of the same coin "Management". You can never see both sides at the same time yet you can never make monetary use of it without these two unique sides. The chance of either side showing up when you toss the coin is 50%. What separates a knowledgeable manager from the rest is when to trust which side of the coin and when to negate what shows up when you toss  it. Art of management is a random and stochastic approach to solve the same problem in many ways keeping in mind and considering the constraints that not only define the problem but also limit it. I have no professional experience neither do I have a degree in Business administration, but once I have both (In the next few years), I would actually revisit this article and see how much have I differed from my initial thoughts on the art of management. I will add more to this article before and after based on my experiences and findings.


  1. I would say yes for most part of the definitions those have been explained with judicious choice of words for managers.
    Professionals have to be good at management because if they're not they usually do not survive longer. I doubt about how artistic a set of management could be...since I really didn't get that point how a business can be artistic unless its a directly art related profession!
    I would like to read more on this article in terms of ARTISTIC MANAGEMENT.

  2. By "art" I mean that fine skill you possess to shrewdly handle common sense, tactical skills, experience, findings from case studies and above all to find that precise solution from possible stochastic solutions. I appreciate you took time to read this article and generously comment on it.

  3. Everything has to be finely choreographed to achieve above set tasks, hence has been defined as "art".
