Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 27, 2010

Well, today is a different day, I had a good night sleep for little over four hours. My mistake... I was stuck doing some thing and the late coffee after 3 Am, really killed the sleep. But I am not going to repeat what I did yesterday. I am hoping that this day would be a good day. So far so good, everything seems to be going on track. An unexpected meeting just popped in. So I have to make arrangements for that now. I guess it should not take long, so I should get back to what I have planned for that after an hours break. Things are working good, so far so good. The day ended on a good note and I am confident that tomorrow will be promising too.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26, 2010

May 26, 2010

What do I say about this day.. a very routine day with a lot of expectations and aims... The day ends slowly with I realizing that nothing has been achieved in the list I planned to finish for the day. Now being highly dejected I let thoughts go off the priority channel and let laziness creep in.. This will keep repeating and nothing will be done. I have to bring a change and let go many things for many new things to come my way. Oh !! God the mountain of dejection is getting higher day by day , minute by minute and the tectonic forces of being unorganised  and unplanned is mounting up too. I have to have to get organised and plan to achieve what I plan for the day !!! Every day brings a new hope a new life and a new aspiration.. I have to learn to welcome the day as that day is going to be the last day... All this is very easy to write but difficult to implement... But I cant keep complaining and let days go by... I hope that the days after today will not be so disappointing and I will have some successful achievement to boast about each day from tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Week away !!!

Nothing has changed in a week, except for the work. By change I mean it has become more bulkier and more complicated. The doomsday seems close but I am not able to get myself organized, composed and determined to finish work. I have to really start all my engines, press the accelerator to the max and get going. I don't want to  be left behind in this rat race.

Where did I go for  week. Well I had been to Dayton, Ohio. A nice city in the state of Ohio. It was fun and interesting. I will add more about this trip when I really have some time to talk with you all at length. Excuse me for now, and I promise to get back on blogging in some time.