Sunday, March 14, 2010

Apple without Jobs !!!

This is the series of events in the time line format which throws light on the history of Apple with and without Jobs.

Ref :- NewYork Times

Monday, March 8, 2010

What do I feel

What did I think when I was old enough to  think,
What did I feel when I started to feel,
What did I speak when I first started to speak,
Everything just comes and passes away,
We are left with no time to live for the moment,
The past is already gone, the present is slipping away fast and the future is not known,
We make friends, all our lives, some stay with us for our lives and some dont,
Some change their thoughts, feelings and speech,
All this makes me think,
What did I think when I was old enough to  think,
What did I feel when I started to feel,
What did I speak when I first started to speak.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Breif Description of the OSI Model

The OSI model is made up of " Application, Presentation, Session, Tranport, Network, Linking and Physical layers". These are stacked one below the other starting from the application layer and then ending the stack with the physical layer as its last layer. This stack is also called the protocol stack much so because each layer is a protocol and these protocols govern the way in which the layers communicate with each other. In the most general case we have one protocol stack at the source and one at the receiver. A source or receiver can be termed as nodes in the entire layout. Only the physical layers can communicate with each other directly. All other layes have to pass information from one to the other and then pass this information through the medium and rise up in the stack on the other end.

Communications Systems

For some weird reason I felt that I should start reading books on " Communication Systems". I am pretty much liking the book already. What I have read about in the first chapter is the generic definition of the word communication, Open Source Interconnect model and its protocol stack {I am going to concentrate on the physical layer protocol of the OSI model}, the basic communication system which comprises of the tranmsitter {Source} and the Receiver {the destination or information sink} and the most needed channel that is required to establish connectivity between the source and the destination.